We are in Madrid on our way to Salzburg because I need to renew my passport and I can't do that in any other country. Good morning.
We arrived in
Salzburg yesterday afternoon oh my god let me show you this view actually it must have snowed all night because look at this and coming into it's really interesting because I was born here and so when people say where are you from I say Austria or I was born in Salzburg but I haven't been here.

a 5-day trip to Salzburg, Austria (MAJOR FAIL)

I felt alienated by my own country, where went to get my passport renewed as I had been instructed by the embassy in Portugal but was refused due to the complicated nature of where I live and belong.

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Gosh so sorry they weren’t helpful there. I grew up not far from the Austrian border and when we crossed from Italy to Germany by bus a few months ago, Austrian police were so racist towards my husband (British passport holder and with black hair and beard, so stereotypical of them to treat him like shit given the political situation). I totally understand how you find it hard to relate to the country, even just having been out of Germany for 5 years still makes it hard to feel at home here again. People are so narrow minded and black and white thinking, they are totally thrown off when they have to deal with less straight forward situations like yours. I’ve experienced it at the passport offices too

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Hi Carmen, thank you for your solidarity and for sharing your experience. Sadly, it does actually make me feel better that I am not alone in feeling rejected by a system that is supposed to help people. It just shouldn't have to be so hard or inhumane to exist in this world! (p.s. I'm about to shoot you a personal email, I think you'll like my suggestion :).

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Hi Vienda! I’ll email you back towards the end of the week! inbox is so full of urgent insurance and tax stuff (welcome to Germany) 🫣

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