monday blues are real
Every single day of the week has a different vibe. And when you know how to harness the energy of the days of the week and make them work for you, your entire life changes.
I woke up on Monday bone-tired. Had I been running around as the green fae in a secret treasure hunt and staying up late at a festival all weekend? Yes, I had.
But still… I am also no longer in my 20’s where I can whimsically shirk all responsibilities. Nor do I want to.
(I feel this particular topic is owed an article all of its own as I have a lot of thoughts and opinions about moving away from the cult of youth and flourishing at every age and how we are evolving in this current moment of our collective consciousness where old paradigms and expectations no longer fit, but that’s not for today. I’ll circle back to that another time.)
Then I remembered it was Monday and that I am allowed to rest!
We don’t flailingly and aimlessly live and feel the way we do without reason. There are a whole host of influencers impacting how you feel, and what you do, every day. Your emotions, if you have slept, your last conversation, the sun, moon and stars, and the energy of the days of the week all play an important role too.
One thing that we often overlook is that each day of the week brings with it a unique vibe, atmosphere and energy.
Have you ever wondered why Monday feels like such a drag?
It’s because Monday is influenced by the Moon and the vibe is all about quiet introspection and being alone. But in our world Monday is the first day of the working week and we are expected to feel like we are full of beans (even when we are not).
You know how people get really excited about Friday?
It’s not because everyone hates their job and wants to run around shouting “FRIYAY!” at the top of their lungs. It’s because Friday is influenced by the planet Venus and the vibe is all about excitement, socializing, beauty and romance. It’s an upbeat energy compared to low-key Monday.
Every single day of the week has a different vibe. And when you know how to harness the energy of the days of the week and make them work for you, your entire life changes. Instead of pushing against the current, you’ll flow with it.
Here’s how it works:
VIBE: Get in touch with your feelings, be mindful of your moods, purify your surroundings, practice compassion.
Monday is a moon day, and so we are dealing with emotions, moods, intuition and the shadowy side of life. Many people report Monday as the most challenging day of the week. It’s no wonder, as the moon carries with it erratic and sometimes unpredictable energy. If you are not a fan of Monday, there may be some underlying emotional energy that you are struggling to deal with. It helps to spend some time being introspective and journaling about what is coming up for you. This lets our logical mind know “where we stand” in a metaphorical sense.
Best tasks for Mondays: Meditation, dream analysis, planning, quiet time, personal indulgence, rest, relaxation, sleep.
I hold my CEO day on a Monday for both my life and my business.
VIBE: Express your passion, get some exercise, release pent up frustration/energy.
Tuesday is influenced by the planet Mars, which is an aggressive planet. In fact, its namesake in Greek myth was the god of war. Tuesday is a driving force in the workweek and will auger a sense of productivity, competition, effectiveness, determination and completion. With these kinds of energies in the forefront, Tuesday is the perfect day for finishing long overdue tasks. Conversely, Tuesday is also a great day to start new projects.
Best tasks for Tuesdays: Building strategies at work and in career, marketing, acting on new ideas, starting new projects, cleaning out clutter, exercising, finishing to-do lists or catching up.
As the ‘official’ first work day of my week, I use Tuesdays to bite a chunk out of my ‘to-dos’. It’s generally one of my most outward-facing productive days of the week. Projects, emails, and urgent tasks all get piled into this one day. I block-task my days so this creates space in the week for other commitments.
VIBE: Study, travel, research, meditate, teach, talk, write, hold meetings.
Wednesday is ruled by Mercury who is the messenger of the heavens. It facilitates clear communication and carries new information to our awareness in extremely precise and effective ways. Mercury also augers higher perception too. I love the synchronicity of Wednesday landing in the middle of the week because it gives a pervasive sense of connectivity. In a way, Wednesday is the vital communications link to all other days – it’s like the network server of the week (to use computer terms).
Best tasks for Wednesdays: Communication of course! Catch up on emails, thank you notes, letters, phone calls, etc. Wednesday is a good day to sign contracts (that is, if Mercury is not in a retrograde) too. Mercury is also a beneficent energy for short travel, so plan your day trips accordingly.
Wednesdays for me are for meetings, group mentoring calls and private clients. Because I made space on Tuesday and can focus on these solely on this day.
VIBE: Make a point to feel gratitude and positivity from the moment you wake up, as this is going to help you leap forward throughout the day.
Thursday belongs to Jupiter, the planet of positivity and expansion, making it the perfect time to learn new things and expand your consciousness. A survey concludes Thursday is the most productive day of the week in business. It’s no wonder, as Jupiter has a way of lighting a fire under us and getting us moving. Jupiter is the planet of enterprise and expansion. It’s also an extremely optimistic planetary energy that can be felt all through the day on Thursdays when we tune into it.
Best tasks for Thursdays: Socializing, networking, marketing. Working with financial tasks such as the stock market or even balancing accounts will lead to positive results in the long term when done on Thursdays while ruminating in Jupiter energy.
Often, I also see private clients on Thursdays as well as carve out time for copywriting, marketing and more of the fun creative aspects of running my business.
VIBE: Appreciate the people in your life, go on a date, show your love, recognize beauty, make new friends. Enjoy fashion and creative pursuits.
Friday is the day of Venus, the planet of love and creativity, which makes it the perfect day to connect with others and relax. We all know Venus energy, and when it comes to the symbolic meaning of days, Venus is a highly appropriate vibe for Friday, the traditional end-of-the-workweek day. Venus is about love, connection, belonging, comfort, sensuality and passion. If you think about it, most people who have traditional Monday – Friday workweeks tend to let their hair down and celebrate on Fridays (points for kicking off the weekend too). Friday is an all-around feel-good day, replete with the energy of friendliness and kindness. Interestingly, Friday is also the most popular (romantic) date night.
Best tasks for Fridays: Romance, romance, romance! Did I mention romance? Fridays are also perfect for expressing your love amidst friends and family. This is a great day for pleasure and appreciation, so trips to places that make you feel indulged, luxurious or pampered are good too (like a spa, salon, the movies, a jewellery store).
I generally take Fridays off from work and instead plan Venusian things that fill up my cup. Buy flowers, go on a date, go to a gig, get my hair cut (or cut it myself as I have been prone to lately), see friends, go to the beach or on a road trip.
VIBE: Tackle some big projects that need doing and take time out of your day to get organised for the week ahead.
Saturday is the day of Saturn, the day of taking responsibility and getting organised. Saturn can be a stern energy and a real taskmaster too. This makes Saturday one of the most advantageous days of the week because the opportunity for productivity and completing tasks is optimal. Unlike Thursday/Jupiter however, Saturn isn’t as jovial when working to get the job done. Saturdays are best put to use when we thoroughly plan for prevention. Preparing for the week ahead on Saturday will align our Saturn energies and bring about satisfactory results for each consecutive day in the week.
Best tasks for Saturday: Housework, preparation for upcoming events, academic tasks like studying and homework, catching up on a backlog of work.
On Saturdays, I’m found behind my laptop for the morning. Answering any emails left from the week (I aim for inbox zero when I can) and tying up loose strings from projects, clients and commitments. I’ll look through my love to-do list in my Plannher and make sure everything is ticked off or rearranged before my weekend begins on Saturday afternoon.
VIBE: Make today a day for rest and relaxation. Try not to schedule anything too demanding or high energy on Sunday and instead, take the time to connect to your inner radiance.
Sunday is the day of the Sun, a perfect day for relaxing, unwinding and connecting with your inner self. Sunday is notorious throughout time and cultures as being a day of rest, the sun shines brightly on our Sundays with clarity, vitality and a sense of well-being. This day is optimal for soaking up some social warmth by being with family, friends and neighbours. It’s also a perfect day to catch up on our rest and relaxation. The sun is all about radiance, sharing, expressing, expanding, illumination and growth. The sun is also about provision, as it ensures the continuation of life as we know it.
Best tasks for Sunday: Rest, relaxing, having fun with loved ones, gardening, grocery shopping, cooking and worship for the purpose of illumination.
Sunday, Monday and Friday are my favourite days. Honestly, even though I love my job sometimes I think I wouldn’t work if I did not have to. I’d love to be super floaty and have zero obligations! And on Sunday, I get permission to do exactly that. It’s a ‘me day’ where I limit plans and commitments to only things I absolutely adore.
Before I go…
Remember, these energies are subtle guides, not strict rules. The real magic happens when you tune into your own rhythms and needs.
Why not experiment with aligning your life and tasks to these cosmic vibes? You might just find your week flowing with newfound ease and joy!
What's your favourite day of the week? Let me know in the comments, and I’ll give you examples of how you can use its energy this week!