Boy this hits me right in the heart. Haven’t talked to my mother for some years. Certain abuses. A lot of the same dishes you were served. A certain refusal to change or acknowledge behavior. You told my story as well as yours.

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Roman... I feel you! Choosing to distance yourself from your mother is incredibly difficult. I understand the weight of that decision, especially when it comes from a place of self-protection against abuse and unchanging behavior. Thank you for sharing this piece of your journey with me. In our shared stories, we remind each other that we're not alone in these complex, often painful experiences. Sending you strength, healing, and so much compassion as you continue on your path.

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Thank you, Vienda. That means a lot.

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Sep 13Liked by vienda

This is so beautifully, graciously and wisely written. You can sense the seep work you have done to be able to write how you have. As someone married to a beautiful loving man who made the difficult decision to create distance between himself and his not very loving father, I respect so much children's right and strength to be able to do this. ,It is far from easy and you well know. Even more so, as the stepmother of three incredible teenagers who grapple with the same issues with their own mother who they have seen once in almost five years, I am so grateful to have the words you have written to reflect on as I know they capture what all three of my beautiful step children feel but is so hard to concretise into language. So much love and strength to you my darling friend.

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Your message just hit me right in the feels! Thank you so much for your kind words - they mean the world coming from you. 🥹 I'm in awe of the journey you're on with your family. Your hubby's decision to create distance from his dad, and your step-kids' situation with their mum - that's heavy stuff. It's amazing how you're navigating it all with such grace and understanding. It warms my heart to know my words might help your step-kids in some way. These parent-child relationships are so complex, aren't they? If my experience can offer even a tiny bit of comfort or clarity for them, that's everything. You're doing such important work, Liz. Supporting your family through these challenges - that's real love in action.

Sending you and your beautiful blended family all the love and strength.

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Thanks for sharing this, Vienda. I became a mom earlier this year (and I was NOT a person who dreamed of being a mom; choosing to become pregnant and have a child was a long and complicated journey for me!) and I’m working on remothering myself and healing my relationship to motherhood as I mother my daughter. It’s comforting and inspiring to know other souls are also on the path ❤️

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Your words touch my heart deeply. Thank you for sharing such a personal part of your journey with me. Becoming a mother is a profound transformation, isn't it? Especially when it wasn't always a clear path for you. I'm in awe of the courage it takes to embark on this adventure, particularly when it wasn't a lifelong dream.

The work you're doing - remothering yourself while mothering your daughter - is so important and so beautiful. It's like you're nurturing two souls at once, weaving healing through generations. What a gift you're giving both yourself and your little one.

Know that you're not alone on this path. There are so many of us out here, working to heal our relationships with motherhood, whether we're mothers ourselves or not. Your journey inspires me and reminds me of the power we have to rewrite our stories.

Thank you for being part of this community and for sharing your heart. Your courage ripples out and touches us all.

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Thank you so much, Vienda. It’s really beautiful to hear from you. I’m one of those people (one of many, I’d imagine! ❤️) who’s been following along your journey for quite a while now. Wishing you so much love

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