FEBRUARY 14th (special Valentine's Day edition) *free* HER WAY CIRCLE: If this is the year you're ready to claim your deepest, steadiest power, let's talk about your unconditional worthiness.
Every month we meet, with a theme in mind, to talk about femininity, inner space, life design, relationships, creative expression, and generally the ‘her way’ approach to existing in this world, led by me. You can join from the comfort of your own soft space, with the camera off and listen, or show your face, share, ask questions and engage at whatever level feels right to you.
If this is the year you're ready to claim your deepest, steadiest power, let's talk about your unconditional worthiness.
This term — unconditional worthiness — has become so popularised it’s easy to forget what it means.
It means that the Self determines her worth regardless of the condition.
When you are ready to set yourself free, here’s what you do: You hold your worth regardless of the condition. That means: you know and hold your sense of worthiness regardless of external factors and thereby your worthiness is not affected or influenced by notions you hold for yourself to be worthy.
You don’t need to look a certain way, have particular types of relationships, earn a specific amount, own things you don’t need and so on… to prove or earn your worthiness.
We will speak about how to develop self-worth, worthiness, self-value, self-trust + more...
Wednesday, February 14 — 60 minutes
9 am LDN | 8 pm SYD | 1 am LA | 11 am CPT
Click here to join + passcode if needed: 715531
Add to your calendar: IOS/Outlook | Google
That’s London | Sydney | Los Angeles | Cape Town. Check your time zone here.
The live ‘her way’ circles happen every second Wednesday of the month.
I know you all have Very Important Things on, like jobs, kids and appointments…
Finding a time that works across all the time zones is impossible. So that means choosing one that functions for me and is most accessible to you. This time is bound to change to adjust to who wants to join the circles.
Can’t Make it? Subscribers get the replay sent to their email within 24 hours.
The live ‘her way’ circles are FREE for all, in the spirit of generosity. Invite your friends to join!
I’ll open the circle with some music while we all land (please join on time). Then I will ask you to share your location and how you feel at this moment in the chat box which I will read out. Followed by my diving into the topic of the month with context. stories, tools and questions. The final 20 minutes or more will be an opportunity to share in the circle. I want to encourage you to bring thoughts, questions and stories to share, as the more engaged you are, the better the experience is, for everyone.
Prepare beforehand by blocking out the allocated time for yourself. Have a notebook and pen nearby in case you want to take notes. A delicious drink to reach for because hydration is important and feeling relaxed and ready to receive even more so. And anything that makes you feel settled and present. Blankets, cushions, candles, incense, furry pets and ornate ensembles are all welcome.
Bring an open heart, open mind and courage to ask questions and share your own experiences even if it feels scary. You’ll likely ask what someone else has in their heart or tell a story they sorely need to hear so you’re doing all of us a favour.
Any questions, please pop them in the comments below.
I can’t wait to see you in our circle.